We are closing from the 7th of September, till the 15th of September.
Any orders or questions will be seen to on the 16th of September.
Thank you for your patronage and understanding. And on the plus side, we have had a delivery from da Vinci!
Click to see brushes!Mar 15, 2017
Reference Library
We have shelves and disks groaning with accumulated ideas for facepainting and product information. When you're groaning with frustration, let us know - a groan shared is a groan halved and the shelf gets a break too! Even if we don't know the best product to use, we will be fascinated to find out!
Please email your request for an image and we will send a jpeg image to your email address with notes if necessary for you to paint your own version. Pictures supplied from the library cannot be reproduced or published in any form without permission.
Describe the image you need in as much detail as possible eg "I am doing a Willy Wonka party can you suggest some images suitable for the five year old
It is quite important to state the approximate age of your models as some images are more complicated than a five year old can sit for, a solution
for the same problem on a supermodel might require something more sophisticated. We regularly feature different images from the reference library,
to whet your appetite.
See also the Rabbit Step by Step in the Mirror Archive for a Rabbit with a difference.
CATRIONA FINLAYSON ..................................................................................... JULIET EVE
EASTER JOKE -- NOT FOR THE OVER-SENSITIVE!A little girl goes to a pet shop and asks "excuthe me do you have any widdle wabbits?"The shopkeepers
heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he is on her level and says "do you want a widdle white wabbit or a thoft fwuffy bwack wabbit,
or one like that widdle bwown one over there?"
The little girl blushes, rocks back on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and whispers, " I don't wealy fink my pyfon gives a phuc." |